Aging & Longevity

image of senior couple.

People who practice wellness typically enjoy their lives and want them to last as long as possible. That's why the wellness mindset usually accompanies other constructive, healthy lifestyle habits. By adopting positive behaviors like: eating well, exercising, saying affirmations, developing healthy self talk, structuring a healthy system of values and beliefs, creating functional and fulfilling relationships, and balancing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy, you build a foundation of wellness that preserves a well attitude, wellness driven lifestyle choices, and a positive overall experience throughout life.

By following these steps, you not only extend your life, but you extend your quality of life deeper into later life. This is the ultimate objective of wellness psychology - to have the best life possible for as long as possible.


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Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

Howell Chiropractic, Inc.


8:00 am-6:30 pm




8:00 am-6:30 pm


8:00 am-4:00 pm


8:00 am-4:00 pm






  • "I can't say enough about the dedication and expertise of Dr. Shawn Howell. Throughout the years, I have had Chiropractic manipulation to alleviate the pain I have experienced from Scoliosis as well as Sciatica. One of the first things he did was to put a name to my back condition. I had heard of Scoliosis, but because I was not a severe case, undetected by the naked eye, all I had ever been told was that I was having muscle spasms.

    Since having 'discovered' Dr. Howell, 11 members of my ext"
    G.B. - Centerville, OH